Wednesday XI
Tim Hill
Saturday XI
Cpt Vinoth Palanisamy
Sunday XI
Aadeesh Jain
Hampstead Norreys is a small, family friendly village club located in the heart of West Berkshire. Cricket has been played in the village for over 100 years. We are proud to still be able to offer the opportunity for people to play village cricket.
HNCC Club Charter
The Hampstead Norreys Cricket Club exists to play cricket for and in the village of Hampstead Norreys. We play cricket to have friendly fun on Sundays and more competitive cricket in the Wednesday league and Sunday Cup matches. Sunday friendly selection will give youth and people within Hampstead Norreys connections to have an opportunity to play cricket.
Wednesday and Sunday Cup team selection, is made on the basis, that the best side will be selected in order to win the fixture. We always respect our team captains, the umpires, including decisions and fellow players, be they team mates or opposition. We understand that the club is run by volunteers and we must be prepared to give a little time to help out prior to, during and at the end of play.
Hampstead Norreys Cricket Club Commitee
Meet The Committee
Simon Nutbrown
Oliver Laurence
Luke Holmes
Tim Hill
Wednesday Cpt
Vinoth Palanisamy
Saturday Cpt
Aedeesh Jain
Sunday Cpt
Claire Trow-Smith
Community Engagement
Mark Rowlands
Head Groundsman
Fixtures Secretary
Subscribe For The Monthly HNCC Cricket Corner Newsletter
Dave Barlow Memorial Game
In the heart of Hampstead Norreys, where the rolling fields meet the azure skies, and the sound of laughter echoes across the cricket pitch, we find ourselves bound by a shared sense of loss and a deep sense of remembrance. It is with heavy hearts that we pay tribute to two beloved souls who left an indelible mark on our community - David Barlow, former Hampstead Norreys Club Chairman, and his beloved wife, Celia Barlow.
David, affectionately known as Lord Barlow, was not just a remarkable leader of our cricket club but a pillar of our community. His unwavering dedication to the club and his infectious passion for cricket brought us together in moments of joy and camaraderie. As the Club Chairman, he embodied the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play, instilling in us the values that define our cricket club to this day.
Every year, we gather in their memory for the Dave Barlow Memorial game, a day that unites us in celebrating not only Dave's passion for cricket but also Dave and Celia's deep love for the people of Hampstead Norreys.
As we step onto the pitch for that annual match, we feel their presence among us, guiding us, and reminding us of the enduring bonds that tie us together. Dave and Celia's legacy lives on, not just in the runs scored or wickets taken but in the way they touched our lives and brought us closer as a community.
In their memory, we commit to upholding the values they cherished unity, kindness, and the spirit of togetherness.
We honor their memory by continuing to nurture the bonds that make our cricket club and our community so special.
Though they are no longer with us in the physical sense, Dave and Celia Barlow remain forever in our hearts, and their love continues to shine brightly over Hampstead Norreys.
We will always remember them, and they will forever be a part of our shared story.